Budtender Picks & reviews

What the vibe has been lately!

ever since picking up the sweet water farms brand and bringing them into the shop our budtenders, monica, and darius, have been so very happy! amazed with the quality of the weed weather in their full bud form or their cheaper mini bud bags, the high has not dissapointed especially with the strain peanut butter beignets that has not only a delicious smoke on the pallet but a wonderfully clear headed and blissful high sure to brighten up your day weather you are getting chores done or just enjoying your day off.


a seemingly unanimous decisioun amongst the costumers and budtenders has been for the infused prerolls by the Seattle bubbleworks! amazing variety of strains in sativa, hybrid, and indica filled with great flower and bubble hash! pleasingly affordable and offered in an 2 half gram pack or a 10 half gram pack.


our budtender Darius enjoys his dabs and lately he has been really liking the sugar wax from the fire bros! a nice and affordable 1:1 thc/cbd concentrate that helps ease the muscles and provides a nice head high to enjoy, whether it be Indica for at the house chillin or sativa if you need to get something done or just going for a walk.


Sage has been enjoying the pink lemonade strain from pioneer, a wonderful smoke that provides a great motivating and energizing high that can help out when you got stuff you need to take care of.


customers have been coming in and have all around been enjoying the fire bros! they have a little of this and a little of that which seems to be enough to go around, whether its the nice and relaxing crepe ape, the stoney peanut butter crunch, or their energizing lemon slushy, fire bros has something for everyone!


our manager kathy always has to get her hands on a bag of amnesia from trail blazin while we have it in, for that awesome sativa high that gives u a get up and go drive to tackle your day!